The year comes to end
The month comes to end
The day comes to end
There is end to every beginning
But I wonder when will this queue come to end
Not the ATM queue I am talking about!
I am no politicians to bring up this issue to gain publicity but I am
talking about the human queue. The most unfortunate queue. Where people stand
in long hours just to empty their body waste early morning. Yes, please! This
happens in our country and our city. Where people have to wait in long queue
just to empty their body waste. During my morning walks from I pass through
this lesser privileged housing colony it aches my heart to see people waiting
in long queues in filthy conditions. According to the Slum Sanitation
Programme's records, there are 79,542 toilet seats in the city catering to
around 24 lakh people living in slums. However, these toilet blocks serve only 37 per cent of the total
slum population of 64.7 lakh of Mumbai city (as per 2011census). Here they are
so helpless against body and long wait. This figures are gross.
I wonder why none of the so called social activist or media shouts about
this queue! Why only ATM queue come into media? When we have to walk towards
progress we stop people initiating a change and then say we are a stagnant
country. When humanity is most important above all how can humans be ignored?
Why can't we walk together so we can walk far? I urge everyone reading this
just to give a thought once why we role our eyebrows looking at people
alongside railway tracks defecating in open. Instead why not wonder how ill
conditions they are surrounded with. Poor hygiene, poor amenities, poor
resources of the basic facility.... Isn't it too much? As the defecation
problems are to be tackled under SWACCH BHARAT ABHIYAAN there is a progressive
development in this area. I hope for more betterment. Just once in a day if we
think rationally and don't follow media blindly will save us in long run. In
this age of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram once take five minutes out and look
how can we make this world a better living place. Even a single thought can initiate
a better change. I end this year with a hope to welcome a great new year filled
with lot of learning, opportunities and inspiration to make a difference. Let's
not just pass the years but LIVE better years.
Thanks to all my well-wishers for contributing and splashing beautiful colours
on canvas of my 2016. It’s been a great year and here I welcome new 2017 with a
fresh new canvas to paint a beautiful picture.